Thursday, May 27

Another 'new'

Once again, I find myself needing to catch up. At the beginning of this year I decided I needed to change a couple things-- a few of those things I wrote about on this blog. A big change that I didn't ever mention but wanted to do something about was my job. I had been working for my cousin's husband since moving to California -- it was a job I was incredibly thankful for, but working at a desk isn't exactly something I had ever been able to see myself do. I decided I needed to start thinking about working somewhere else and the perfect opportunity kind of hit me upside my head.

The same cousin introduced me to a friend of hers -- after a quasi blind date a little over a year ago, we hit it off. After about 3/4s for a year of hearing about where she works, I was hooked and applied. I started working for the program she works for about a month and a half ago. The whole experience has been a whirlwind but I am happy, excited, and welcome to all the changes and challenges.

Without giving away too much or too little, it is basically a boarding school for teens with issues. I pretty much swapped out working at a desk all day long for hardly having the energy or time to sit at my laptop long enough to think this blog. Although it has been difficult adjusting to the schedule change -- rather than working a 9-5, monday-friday job, this new job is 4 days a week but from 7:30 am to 9:30 pm. By the end of each day I am exhausted, but a good and fulfilled exhausted.

I'll write more about everything soon.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica,
    How lovely to hear your voice in blogland again.
    I've missed your point of view on the world.
    So happy to read that you are happy in your new venture. Look forward to seeing you in a few weeks time up in Seattle.
